Saturday, January 10, 2009

3-Iron (Bin-jip) - Brandy

3-Iron (Bin-jip)

3-iron is the simple story of mute love, golf ball violence and creepy mad creeping skills. Let's start with one bored young Korean lad (tae-suk) from a wealthy background who tapes restaurant menus to doors and stays in the unoccupied houes that don't remove the menus. Add one young married lady married (sun-hwa) with an abusive wealthy business man who likes to golf. Now make the lad and the lady both NEVER talk in the film and you have 3-iron.

Though neither is actually a mute, our leading stars never talk but communicate through lots of deep, thoughtful looks. Sure, everyone else in the film talks and yells and screams, but talking is for chumps. In Korea, silence is the language of love.

The couple breaks into houses while the owners are on vacation and does chores around the house and fixes broken items as compensation. I have absolutely no problem with this whatsoever. If someone wants to hang out and clean up my dirty house, I welcome you strange korean visitors from beyond.

Everything escalates when Tae and Sun are accused of killing an old man they found dead in their apartment. Ultimately, this leads to Tae learning to be quiet and ninja like while in jail and can hang quietly in a man's shadow without ever being seen. It's a pretty cool skill that any ninja would be proud and I'm sure I've actually seen in a few ninja based anime series. I tried this method on Barksley, but for such a long dog he was quite adept at spotting the huge me shadow on him.

I ultimately loved this movie and it's slightly mystical twist of ninjaism at the end. The no talking, meaningful looks relationship is a hard one to pull off and I would get bored after fifteen seconds personally. But I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this movie a bit, is it a romance, a ninja training video or, more likely, just a little artsy asian thang. I would recommend it, especially if you want something foreign but not a lot of subtitles, this is your bag.

- Golfballs are way more deadly than you suspect. Seriously.
- Ninjas are awesome lovers
- If you find a random dude masturbating in your bed, he may be your soulmate... or a ninja

Rating (without alcohol): 4 Stars
Rating (with alcohol): 4 Stars
Rating (in golf): Eagle

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